
El manifiesto, compuesto por 20 puntos, representa la filosofía de vida detrás de cada uno de los proyectos de Milk, el cual sitúa el bienestar de las personas como eje principal de todos nuestros desarrollos.

1. Life is what we imagined

2. Never stop dreaming, it drives the power for creating

3. Live in the sky, that way you are closer to your dreams

4. You are unique; behave that way

5. Remember where you come from and what you believe in

6. Live life to express, not to impress

7. Treasure art, it is a constant reminder of how we are capable of immortality

8. Work hard, and play fair

9. Focus on the future

10. Sing out loud

11. Your home is a direct reflection on how you see yourself; fill it with art, love and creativity.

12. Watch a sunrise. Read and study more time than what you spend watching tv

13. Be happy and enjoy the ride

14. Look for design and style in everything you do

15. Take chances

16. Always listen to others and to your heart; then speak.

17. Laugh till your stomach hurts

18. Friends and family are more important than money

19. Travel often, getting lost will help you find yourself

20. Have a glass of milk every day